Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween over...

...and it's November y'all. And some will know what this means: NaNoWriMo.
For those that don't, we have a quick sumary:
NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month. Happens in November. Every year. You write a novel. More info/sign up/I'm actually not sure what's going on here:
Now, the only reason I know about NaNoWriMo is because I read blogs and stuff of writers, not because I have ever done it, or actually researched it. I mean, why would I research it? It's a pretty easy concept. Of course, that means I actually have no idea what I'm doing, or what I'm talking about. Let's keep that in mind for the next month, shall we?

So, I'm gonna try this sucker. We'll see if it actually gets posted up here; probably not, because, in the words of the Wonderful Maureen Johnson, "...if you are in high school or otherwise just starting out, MUCH OF WHAT YOU WRITE IS GOING TO SUCK. This is because you learn to write while writing. So for a while, you have to embrace the Suckmonster. Hug it close to you. Love your Suckmonster. Because your Suckmonster is going to help you get where you want to go. He is your friend and traveling companion. He is friendly and furry and Muppet-like."
And while I'm all for peer-editing and sharing your feelings and crap, I don't really want people I know actually reading this stuff. Sorry, but no thanks.

And now I must go, for the hamsters of sleep cometh.1 Goodnight.

1 I need to stop reading Maureen Johnson blogs right before I post here, because I then start to mimic her...and while she's funny and everything, it makes me feel really artificial.