Sunday, May 29, 2011

Movie time again

So. I'm on a slight romantic comedy bent right now, because I'm a masochistic person who torments herself by watching romance unfold onscreen even though it doesn't happen in real life.
Leap Year: it had this odd style to it. I'm not sure what it was, but sometimes it seemed so bright, and other times so dark and there were some odd camera angles as well. It had this weird feel as both a romantic comedy and....well, Merlin. Which has to do with scenery, I know, but it threw me, because I associate the accents and the setting and style with those serious semi-depressing indie flicks/darker British comedies, so in contrast it was just odd. 
Beyond that, Irish accents are awesome. As any girl can tell you.
All in all: I liked it. I think Matthew Goode and Amy Adams are both amazing. Though apparently they royally screwed up geography, Ireland is beautiful. And it has a happy ending.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

When I get tired I write about weird things.

Don't judge me.

So I watched The Ugly Truth, and while it didn't suck, the humor was perhaps a little too awkward for my taste, because while I think awkwardness in real life is ridiculously funny, I don't enjoy watching it onscreen. However, there were previews for Julie & Julia in the beginning, which made me think about the following topic.
So normally I don't really think about movie genres in a clearcut, verbal way, but there is an intense sorting system going on in my head, and though I sometimes find it hard to vocalize reasons why out loud, I know which movies should be grouped together, both broadly and specifically, so that feel and genre are right for me (wow, I kind of sound insane right now/on something, though I swear I'm not). Anyway though, so yeah, I'm going to try to explain a genre that exists in my head, though maybe not completely in real life; I call it guy romcoms. You know normal romcoms? Well, guy romcoms are kind of like those, except they focus more on the comedy aspect/may be referred to as comedies only, and tend to be from a (nerdy) guy's perspective exclusively (ex. 40-Year Old Virgin) (we could talk about the sexism that is sort of present in the (non)existence of the exact girl equivalent of movies like this and how that's changing (ex. Bridesmaids), but that's another post for another day)
I should probably establish right now that there is a distinct difference between adult and teen romcoms, and I'm referring to adult romcoms throughout this entire thing.
ANYWAY THOUGH so what I think is sort of sad is that there aren't many girl romcoms (and I'm going to define these as romcoms that involve/are centered around the perspective of the girl) that involve the girl falling in love with a nerdier/quieter guy, which slightly disturbs me, because that's totally who I'm going to fall for one day. With the exception of 13 Going on Thirty, in fact, I'm not sure if this type of comedy exists. But it should, because I WANT IT TO and the universe exists to give me what I want, duh, I wish.
So in conclusion: future film makers, make this movie, for me, and for all the pretty nerdy girls out there who don't necessarily want to date that awesomely handsome man, but instead like his slightly nerdier and less-hot-but-more-adorable friend. (I suppose that I should maybe mention that there are some notable movies that do follow this, but none that I can think of that aren't teen-oriented and/or stupid. But for examples, let us look at Princess Diaries, Bring It On, and John Tucker Must Die.)
(Also: please give this friend glasses, because glasses can be surprisingly sexy, and they don't exist enough in movies.)

(also also: you may wonder how Julie and Julia led to this topic. Well, it is the result of that one scene where her husband wears glasses and I realized that glasses are awesome. And then I thought about adult romcoms and how there aren't any nerdy cute guys in them.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


A very very very quick update because it is waaaaaaay past my bedtime.
So: Lenny Kravitz is Cinna (...wait, Lenny Kravitz acts? Okay then...except all he's ever played are a "Newborn baby" in the Rugrats movie [remember Rugrats? Ah, Chuckie, my baby OCD soulmate] and Nurse John in Precious [still need to see that movie...] Don't know how big a part Nurse John was, but so far: not impressed.)
Stanley Tucci is Caesar Flickermann (not gonna lie, first time I read that I thought Caesar was Cinna I had a minor meltdown)
Woody Harrelson is Haymitch

I can live with these.
(also, too late for thoughts.)
Sort of. Whatever.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

10 Things I Hate About You

I saw this movie for the first time on Wednesday, after having seen the first fifteen minutes at a friend's house last summer.
I just....don't even know. I watched it three and a half more times over the course of three days, made multiple other people watch it with me (including my APUSH class...) and I still want to just keep rewatching it and finding new photos and shit. And it's pretty much mainly just for Heath Ledger.
I have some friends who go through periodic "So-and-so is my ideal date/person," and I never understood it until now. I was always sort of flippy-floppy; like, yeah, he's hot, and an awesome person, but then again, so's that guy, so you know.
But Heath Ledger/Patrick Verona. Um. Yeah. His facial expressions/smile are actually the best things ever. And then there's the accent. And I think it wouldn't be as bad, except there's the knowledge that he won't ever make another movie again, and so, you know, that sort of makes everything a little more intense.
So yup, pretty much every relationship I ever have in the future will be marred/marked by this.

(though who am I kidding, I need to take what I can get, because honestly, I think that maybe I repel boys or something. Not actually, it's just that I find the idea of a relationship where I haven't really known the person for very long as mildly repulsive, just because how can you have any sort of comfort with someone you don't really know? I am not blessed with immediate ease around (some) people, which has to do with the intense and immovable idea of social hierarchy that I have in my head, and which pretty much puts me below a surprisingly large number of people and also has very little to do with age [to the point where sometimes eighth graders are above me on that thing]. Andbutso this means that while in terms of outer appearance my bar is pretty low, in terms of inner stuffs I tend to get picky, especially as it relates to how well I know them. Not when it's just friends, but like I said, deeper relationships are different. So yeah, if you didn't manage to follow all of that weird-ass shit, the upshot is just that relationships that are non-platonic are strugs for me. Even platonic tends to have some issues, when it relates to people who are more acquaintances)