Wednesday, March 28, 2012

La dee dah

I would just like to post so that no one thinks I'm dead. This time of year is hectic.
I found out from five of my college so far: in at University of Wisconsin (that happened a while ago actually), in at Smith (they let me know early, I sort of flipped out), in at University of Washington (...though they never actually sent me an acceptance letter, they did send me financial aid, so...), in at Northwestern (with double legacy, so make of that what you will), and waitlisted at University of Chicago (which is pretty much cool, because that means I don't have to figure out the whole no-engineering-program-but-a-really-strong-economics-program-what-do-I-want-to-do-when-I-grow-up thing).
I got the National Merit Scholarship; $2,500, which isn't much, but you take what you can get.
This upcoming week I find out about everywhere else; to be honest, at this point, it just really isn't all that exciting. Too much build-up; I was ready for this news two months ago. Now I just want school to be OVER.
My ethnography is almost over - I just have two more sessions this week and then some interviews. Did I ever talk about that here? I talk about it so much in real life that I've forgotten...
Well, on the off chance that I haven't, it's essentially just an assignment for English that involves me joining a different subculture temporarily and studying them. And then I write a paper about it. So. I chose an arts high school semi-nearby - they have to audition, people come from all over the state. It's been kind of really interesting actually, and I'm really liking it. There was some initial drama involving getting enough hours and shit, but it's all worked out for the most part.
Let's see, what else is happening in my life...Ultimate has actually, legit started...grad parties are being planned (there was some minor drama with that too...)...oh and prom. Prom, prom, prom. People have started getting asked, even though it's not until May, and let me tell ya: it's more than a little depressing. Much as I may talk the talk of not caring, I do. Not overly so, but still; it'd be nice to get asked. It's okay, I've already resigned myself to some classic RomComs for that night.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Band Went Down to Nashville

...and it was equal parts badness and goodness.
-Two 18-hour overnight bus rides + staying up late cause I was with friends + early morning wake-ups both days we were in Nashville = total of 28 hours of sleep, tops, over the course of 5 days. I do not do well without sleep; the day after we got home, despite taking a nap and having a full night's rest the day before, I  had this horrible empty feeling and a splitting headache all day. It disappeared today, probably because I slept for 12 hours last night.
-Despite the fact that the trip was only four days long, we still managed to have some drama/conflict/annoyances. Yay.
-Though I love large crowds of people, I hate when all the people in the crowd are from the same place/are together - i.e., 250 students on a band trip together.
-The first day we were there, it poured all day.
-I think I lost our family's copy of Spirited Away.
-Nashville, while certainly not without its charms, was not as cool as New Orleans, which was absolutely beautiful.

-Travel is pretty much always good; it's just really nice to get away.
-I'm so happy I roomed with the people I did, because they were/are awesome. In general, the people I hung out with on this trip were great; the drama came from people I didn't spend much time with.
-I didn't feel the need to buy as much while in Nashville, so I spent a lot less than when we went to New Orleans.
-The final day in Nashville was much, much warmer, which made up for the first day.
-In fact, that final day in general was awesome. We got to see the choir perform at the Rhyland, the jazz band played at a restaurant where we ate, and I learned how to line dance.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

One more thing

And also, I will be seeing The Hunger Games at the midnight premiere. I am extremely excited.

Colleges, Nashville, and general life updates.

I just looked through my web history on Google and it's like reliving the past three years - the school projects, the various life events. Also, it's terrifying.
I am sometimes really leery of the Internet. Like, it's really freaky how much shit is out there, logged and ready to be used - but at the same time, it's almost comforting. I will never really disappear. There's no way for me to be erased without a trace, because my entire life has been tracked. And for someone who is as nostalgic as I am, it's like a little trip down memory lane - the equivalent to going through my "special bins".
Anyway, that wasn't what I was going to discuss in this post originally. I was going to do small life updates.
1. I got into Smith! Yayy!! The letter had a cute little personalized message on it, which mentioned my essay, and it was kind of awesome. The best part was that it was a surprise because it came early. I really hope the rest of my letters come in like these last two have (got into UW-Madison too) - unexpectedly. I'm going to be a nervous wreck if I know the decisions are coming.
2. I will (hopefully) be shadowing soon at this performing arts school for an ethnography I have to write and research for CIS this semester. I'm super excited for it - like, I have been talking about it all the time, which I'm sure is kind of annoying, but whatever. I'm still not sure if it'll work out, but I'm crossing my fingers.
3.  I am going to Nashville in three/two and a half days! It's our bi-annual band trip, and there'll be another 18 hour bus ride, so it's both extremely exciting and extremely daunting. I still need to pack and gather supplies and stuff, so I'll be doing that over the next few days.
4. Related to Nashville, I made a scavenger hunt for my sections' page in the band booklet thing that'll be given to everyone, and as a part of that, I made Waldo out of clay. I also made the other characters from those books. I'm planning on hiding them in our hotel, and hopefully someone on the trip will find them. If not, I think I'm going to stick them in random places, and put little notes on them so that people will find them and email a gmail account I just created and then re-hide them, so there'll be like a giant Where's Waldo game kinda, and I really really want it to work, and be super cool, but I'm trying to be realistic.
So yes. That is what is happening right now with me. Now I have to go edit my Personal Literacy Narrative.