Thursday, December 29, 2011

Applications = finished

Yes. I have done it. And, I am proud to say, two days before most of them were due. How's that for proactive? (sadly, that's not really a joke for me...)
It's sad; I just finished all of my applications, and some people have already learned where they will be attending college next year. Stupid early decision-ers - not really though. I respect their ability to care enough to apply early, and I'm very excited for the few who did get accepted. To be honest, I thought I was going to die from stress if I applied early anywhere, and I had no definite favorites, so it's probably good that I didn't - though it would be wondrous to know (then again, most people just got deferred, so there ya go).
My mom keeps asking me if I checked everything - over and over, so that now I'm starting to get nervous. Do you think they immediately chuck you into the "Reject" bin if you're ungrammatical? I had a momentary heart attack the other day because I went and checked what I've been calling my "diversity" essay, which went on to two or three college apps, and I thought that the horrific ending (which actually didn't make any sense) had been a part of the version I sent colleges. Luckily the Common App lets you view the apps you've sent, though you can't edit them, so I checked and it seems to be something I added later while trying to edit the essay...but still. It was a terrifying thought.

In other news, life chugs on. Between CIS, math and Econ, I'm swamped - though not over break, thank god. Everything that was due was due the week before break, which led to some major stress then, and some major relief now. So it all works out in the end.
Hopefully once the semester ends, and CIS/applications are over I'll have more time to do stuff like blog. I'm considering taking the CIS Writing class, so we'll's possible the craziness will continue.