Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camp update #1

So I'm at camp. Did I mention I'm in kitchen this session? Cause I am. It sort of sucks; we help with prep, serving, and clean-up for all three meals, and I ended up on pots and pans, which is absolutely killing my hands. I have random bruises and cuts all over, from lugging various things around the kitchen and hitting myself with boxes and pans. So far though, I haven't had any major spills or accidents, so hooray for small miracles.
It really isn't going to bad; you bond when you're on kitchen, and because your schedule is so radically different from everyone else's, you naturally end up hanging out with the other people on kitchen, which is what has happened for me, and why I don't feel nearly as alone as I did at the beginning of the session last year. This year, I actually spend my time off doing things I need/want to get done (like sleeping. Or showering.), instead of awkwardly attempting to find ways to waste time.
Also, this two weeks of support staff has actually helped me ease my way into getting to know other staff members; instead of hanging around a camptivity not really knowing anyone, and pretty much only interacting with the kids, I can tag along with the people I know from kitchen and get introduced/get to know people and have conversation that way. Having a big peak (peak = where counselors sans campers live) also helps; again, I can tag along with the people from my peak and use them to join conversations. So all in all, I think this year has been going better than previous ones.
Hopefully next session will be just as good; I think some of mah peak buds gonna be leavin' though, so it might be a case of having to start all over again. Hopefully not, but you never know.
Anyway, I wanna sleep before we have to help prep dinner (tonight's my night out though, so no need to help serve or clean up after!) so I'M OUT.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's pronounced MackinAW. Jsyk.

We arrived in Mackinac, late becausen I realized I'd forgotten my passport 20 minutes out of St. Paul (I need proof of citizenship before I can work as a counselor and get paid). Still, the drive wasn't too bad, and I don't know that we really missed too much - the idea of having dinner with some of my cousins is maybe a little bit off-putting, simply because they're all so young, and screamy.

I'm only here for tonight and tomorrow, and then we leave so I can get to camp, so honestly this whole trip seems a little silly and a bit of a sidetrack. I do plan to enjoy the singular day I spend on this island, don't get me wrong. I haven't been here since my aunt and uncle's wedding (I was the flower giiiiiirl *pretendstoswooshskirts*), and all I really remember is that we rode carriages, I was bored during the wedding, I hide under a bed and was scolded for potenetially messing up my hair, and I ate something questionable and had to take Pepto Bismal.
It's a little less magical than I remember, in part due to the fact that's it's overcast today, and in part due to the whole growing up thing. You know. But it's still beautiful, even if it is filled with people who remind me vaguely of my aunt and uncle and therefore scare me (yuppie-ish golf-playing, polo-wearing important money-making people). I never like people like that; they're all above me in the social structure which exists in my head (it's complicated, don't ask).
ANYWAY, so yeah. Beyond all that stuff, I am typing on a new computer - new for me at least. It is/was my dad's, and while it isn't the shiniest and bestest of the bunch, it has a long battery life and doesn't suck, and I might take it as mine since my dad offered and it'd be free (my dad has four computers or something, and this way my parents don't feel guilty about not getting me a computer for college next year/ever).
So yup. The following month will be a test trial. I'll be using this to update/check things at camp, and maybe I'll actually update this blog too. Probably not, but I guess you guys can hope (har har, see what I did there?).

p.s. Wrote that all last night but couldn't connect to the Internet to post it. We had a semi-eventful day; rode our bikes downtown to check out the fort, then proceeded to bike around the rest of the island until we ended up back at our hotel. I then took a two or three hour nap. Ate dinner, then played with the cousins, who, while adorable, are also SO MUCH WORK. It's okay though; the adorableness makes up for it.
Also, I know, I know, I'm a shallow person, and I probably talk about this way too much (I swear, I don't bring it up this much in conversation in person. Or at least, not if you're not a really good friend I don't), but whatever: Mackinac is a pretty good place for guys, imho. Then again, it may just be that I'm been deprived of any sort of thing like this at home. St. Paul's a great family city; not so great if you just want to be able to see cute guys walking down the street all the time. (Also helps that there's no cars, meaning they're literally walking down the street/you can see them)
Kay, freaky boy-obssessed girl will go hide now.
p.p.s. Also, I feel like this blog post is a lot more structured than most of my recent ones have been.