Thursday, March 31, 2011

To Whom it May Concern

Back from France.
Will post later about the amazingness of it.
Right now am dying under a mountain of homework.
I wish we'd never come back.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

France. What.

We will be leaving for France in less than 24 hours.
Have I mentioned this already? It's a school trip. We'll be in Paris for three days, and Normandy/Caen for the rest. While in Normandy, we'll be staying with a host family. I am excited.
I am also sick, woo. Fell ill with a form of DEATH on Wednesday night after our meeting, didn't go to school on Thursday, went in on Friday (= bad bad baaaaad idea) and took the SAT on Saturday. It went well enough, thank you for asking, thought it seemed easier than some of the practice tests I've been taking. Watched Cranford, fell in love with Dr. Harrison/Simon Woods, found out he was gay, was upset then got over it. Sunday I overstretched myself going to the mall to get shoes and gifts for my host family, and then had severe asthma that night and only slept for three and a half hours. Stayed home Monday and watched Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (love that movie). Felt better, and I went to school today. Hooray, lovely lovely, hope I do not die on this trip. Plan on inducing mild coma (ha ha, just joking) on plane tomorrow via Benedryl (joking about the coma, not the Benedryl).
Whew, and that was my stream-of-consciousness (sort of) for the past couple of days. Back to France: I am all packed, raring to go, etc., etc. There was a mild Thing re:rooming in Paris, but we will avoid that topic and move on past, because I am reconciled and okay with it now. By the way, in my head when I talk in this way, I imagine myself leading a tour on a Segway, whooshing about, you didn't really need to know that but oh well.
Aaaaaand yes, that I believe is all. I will attempt to blog daily/every other day/sometimes when I am in France/also maybe journal. And take pictures. I have resolved that though I am loath to look like a tourist (doncha love that phrase? So British...) I will grit my teeth and do it, for the sake of posterity. And because otherwise I will regret it.
Next up: For a little while I thought I owned that shirt that Emily is wearing at the beginning of the latest Pretty Little Liars episode. Except my shirt has long sleeves.
(Re: that episode - why the hell would you have creepy clowns just standing around your town? That's messed up, like seriously. Also makes me think of Halloweentown. Kind of want to watch that now).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Best. Coincidence. Ever.

You guys.
The guy who plays Oliver Wood's real name is Sean Biggerstaff.
Just let that sink in.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Updates are boring, I know.

Sorry, I don't have time to actually write things. Ah well, whatever.
I have lost all will to do any sort of schoolwork.
Tomorrow we have a parent meeting for our trip (8 more days!!!) and I had better get a packing list. And an itinerary, or I will explode. (You think I'm joking, but seriously: I start packing a week or two in advance. So the fact that I still don't have an official packing list is killing me, because yes, I can think for myself and figure out what I want, BUT STILL.)
This weekend is the SAT. Kill me now please, I have to wake up at 6 so I can be there by 7:45.
I will be watching Saving Private Ryan/Cranford this weekend. YES.
Hopefully I will also buy lovely clothes/shoes/bags this Friday. MORE YES.
Also, hopefully Jane Eyre is coming out this week. I think it is? I hope it is, I want to see it. (It is, I checked, BUT IT'S NOT PLAYING IN MY AREA THE HORROR NOOOOOOOOOO)
Um, yes. I have read lots of books since the last time I bothered to update this re: stuff like that.
I have lots of new music! Eric Hutchinson, Ingrid Michaelson, Adele, Lily Allen. Hooray!

Now I'm off to sleep for 8 hours. YES.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Aaaaand I also just got my confirmation for a summer job! I'll be an in-cabin counselor for one session, and a part of the kitten staff for the other (...this may be an issue, for a number of reasons)


Countdown: 12 days until we leave.
I am so excited.
I need to get some music in that amount of time. (Suggestions?)
I also need to decide what books to bring.
And clothing. Clothing is also important.
Possibly also another suitcase.
I love packing. It's one of my many things (one of the oh-so-many things...). It's possible that making packing lists is one of my favorite parts of traveling.