Friday, October 21, 2011


So I got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. I opted for laughing gas and Novocain, instead of general anesthesia, which meant, unfortunately, I was NOT loony and out-of-it after the procedure; it also means I was awake for the whole thing. So: Thoughts1. They actually use words like "suture" and "hemostat"! It was kind of cool.
2. I am a mouth-breather, and the laughing gas thing was on my nose, so I had to concentrate on breathing through my nose the whole time, and sometimes I forgot. Then I'd get more lucid. Then I'd realize I was lucid and start breathing through my nose again. Also, laughing gas makes you feel really, really weird.
3. I will never be able to look at those things they use to suck out your spit at the dentist's the same way ever again. Guess what they used it for in this operation? Yeah, that's right. Sucking out blood.
4. They have to give you Novocain using giant needles. In your mouth. Three shots per tooth, for a total of twelve. I am so proud of myself for not flipping out more than I did; that shit hurts. And those needles are HUGE.
5. The funny thing was, there's a difference between feeling and pressure; I had no feeling in my mouth, because of the Novocain, but for each tooth, they had to do something that involved some intense pressure, and I could feel that, and it's not like it hurt, per se, almost did.
6. I wrote this blog post in my head to distract myself from the fact that they were cutting holes in my mouth and I was completely awake.
7. I can cross Vicodin off my list of potentially addictive substances: it makes me nauseous.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

So I sort of dropped off the Earth for a while

Yeah. School started, and it's senior year, and while the first week wasn't all that bad, after that...things spiraled, pretty quick. Part of it was the mystery party a friend and I planned, which meant I was spending pretty much every free moment writing characters so that they would all have motives and goals. The other parts were swimming, English, math, and college essays.
It pretty much all peaked/climaxed that week before our birthday party, plateaued (spelling?) and stayed horrifying stressful until this week. Last week was especially bad; my iPhone was stolen, and on top of that I was extremely hormonal, which magnified ever little thing, until I ended up having a minor breakdown on Thursday.
This week's been better; my outlook's improved, I feel like I'm actually getting things done for college, all that good stuff. So hooray for non-hormonalness (unfortunately, I think it may be my mom's turn as she's been rather...on edge recently)!
Meanwhile, I've been trying to watch things, but Fox is being stupid and not letting people watch their shows until over a week after they've been aired. It's especially annoying to see that there's an episode of Fringe and I just can't watch it because I don't have Dish network or whatever.
(Fringe is the best show ever by the way.)
Anyway though, this was mainly just supposed to be an "I'm back" type announcement! Hopefully I'll get better at keeping up again...