Hectic week, which is weird, since I really don't have that much new homework - it's just that I'm so behind on the old homework, and the things I want to watch, that I don't have much spare time.
So yes, just checking in to confirm that I'm still alive (I'll refrain from the standard, "As if anyone reads these regularly" joke here - I know, they get old). Lots of lovely books have been successfully read/are being read, some shows have been watched (I'll update on those later), and I have successfully converted a friend to Firefly!
Non-media related news...I had my interview for camp counselor yesterday (exciting! And I think it went fairly well, no major screw-ups on my part), I auditioned for our city honor band on Friday (went suprisingly well, and the judicator was a nice old man who gave me some pointers on breathing after I was done), and my French oral I did today - after the recital on Wednesday, I'm all set for nerve-racking presentations/performances for a good amount of time. And I'm all set up to see a fashion show this weekend and a friend's performancce, though I have no idea how I'm going to afford both. My ass is broke, due to the fun ice-skating/dinner excursion last Friday and this new cardigan I'm wearing. What can I say, I need to get a job.
I do have some ideas for things I'd like to write about, but those will have to wait until I have more time.
That's all for now folks!
I can't believe you ended with "That's all for now folks!"