Monday, August 22, 2011

An update on The Hunger Games

I feel like I should update my previous thoughts on castin re:The Hunger Games, since, you know, new photos came out and I just noticed and all that.
I can get behind Liam Hemsworth, who looks extremely like my pictured Gale with his now-brown hair, though I still thunk he looks a little like a gorilla when seen from the front. Meanwhile, Jennifer Lawrence/Katniss is looking okay, though to be perfecty honest: I never fully imagine what a character looks like in my head. They're more a vague conglomeration of characteristics, rather than a definite face. So any time a book is made into a movie, getting my head around the characters of the movie as being the same as the books is kind of hard (there exists only one exception to thus that I can think of: Harry Potter.)(Oh wait, I guess The Lord of the Rings, but I feel like that book doesn't really cause me to visualize the characters at all, so it doesn't really count.) So what I'm trying to say is: Jennifer Lawrence doesn't really look like Katniss to me, but then I don't really have the most solid idea of what I think Katniss looks like, so it's all a moot point in the end.
In other news, Rue was cast, and she's the appropriate skin tone so we won't be hearing screams of fury over that on the Interwebz! (This is all sort of a late update, so really those screams of fury would've happened a little while ago). Also, I don't know if I mentioned last time that Stanley Tucci was cast as Caesar Flickerman, but he was! And Stanley Tucci is AMAZING. So, more happiness. Hooray!
Yeah, so those are my thoughts.

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