Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jane Eyre

I ever mention that I saw Jane Eyre? 'Cause I did. And while I love the actors/actresses more than any other version I have half-heartedly thought about watching (and then subsequently did not, because I didn't like the look of the actors/actresses), I don't think it managed to convey the story of Jane Eyre as effectively as some of the others probably did. At times it seemed to skip time and go too quickly, while other times (the romaaaaaaantic scenes especially) it went too slowly. I vaguely remember that when I was reading the book, the bits where she wasn't with the Mr. Rochester seemed to far outnumber the times when she was. I think in general the main issue was that the movie just seemed too short, even if it was two hours.
All in all: I liked it. I think I'd watch it again. Mia Wasikowski (eh, it's something like that. I could look it up, but that would take effort.) played it well, and the girl who played the young Jane Eyre was (according to my mother) a much better actress than some of the others who have come before her. And Judi Dench was in it, which automatically earns it twenty awesome points (God I love Cranford). Also, Michael Fassbender, while possessing a mildy unfortunate name as well as a horrible mutton chop-esque beard thing for most of the film (it turns into an even more horrible full-grown beard at the end1), was still a) far more attractive than any other Mr. Rochester I've seen and b) maybe one of my favorite parts of the movie. Yes, I know. I'm shallow.

1In general, hair in this movie was horrible. At first I thought maybe it was just Jane's, done to make her seem uglier. Nope. Not true. Everyone's was horrifying. Yes, I know: historical accuracy. Whatever. People had horrible hair back then, obviously.

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