Friday, April 22, 2011

The return of my reviews of television shows.

...not interesting to anyone who doesn't watch it, but yeah, whatever.
I didn't realize that the season finale for Off the Map had aired! I thought that this it was just another episode, and avoided watching them because I assumed I was so far behind that I didn't even want to think about how much time it was going to take to catch up, so I was half pleasantly surprised, half disappointed, that there was only one.
I say half disappointed, because I genuinely like this show, which is surprising. I know that most of the time it's ridiculous1,  what with the whole intense backstory thing, and everyone being "damaged" in some way, and sometimes the dialogue was cheesy as all get out (Mateo's little speech while he and Lily danced that one night springs to mind), but I ended up liking it. I loved Mina (Meryl Streep's daughter! Her name is Mamie! She's kind of awesome!) and her chicken, and Zee, and Fuller, and pretty much all the characters, except maybe Keeton, who's kind of too serious. So yeah. Kind of really hoping there's another season, because if there isn't and I never know what happens with Fuller/Mina I will be upset. Also, need to know if Mateo's going to die or not. Also, it kind of has good music.
So yes. All that.

1 Honestly, most doctor/hospital shows seem silly when you think too much about them, because seriously, how often do intense crazy almost-death cases really happen?

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